everyone starts in a bubble,
for some people they share a bubble,
every babies are the same,
baby boy or girl,
they sleep

they cry

they drink

2 years later,
the lovable phase,
where the baby sticks to you all the time and gives adorable face

4 years later,
the hyper phase,
where he'll get excited so easily, just about anything at all would turn the machine "ON"

7 - 17 years old,
the player stage,
where video games are addictive as hell and nothing else matters

Off to college,
the shameless phase,
where a group of friends do whatever they wanna, laugh hard and they don't give a damn

After graduation,
the rethink phase,
where a guy thinks back all the stupid things he had done in the pass and thinking of being single forever

Forever Alone.
Upon getting a job,
the bitter phase,
where a guy will try to find happiness within his dull dull same ol' everyday life

In the 50's,
the mid-life crises phase,
where the guy is a pain in the ass for his family members

Some years later,
the disappointing phase,
where the guy's children are disappointments to him

And then eventually turns into another old man
who would start appreciating life
and tell the young minds to appreciate life too.
And the lesson here is:
Stay Happy,
Keep Up The Smile.
Because life would end sooner than we think
just like you've just finish reading the guy's life within 5 minutes.