Don't you just hate it sometimes that the letter "o" and "i" is just right next to each other?
And the worst thing is, they can totally change your sentence and make the whole world laugh.
"WAA!! Yesterday we were playing COD right, I shit him in the head sooo many times!!"
"eerm.. ok, didn't wanted to know that.."
Anyway anyway!!
Not Phiboa, Phobia!!
One morning, I just thought
"hmm.. I wonder how many phobias are there?"
And guess what? I found out something...
so much more..
Phobia is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things or people.
So, let's look at some of the phobias I think it's bloody A.W.E.S.O.M.E
Ablutophobia - fear of bathing, washing or cleaning.Yea, most lazy people have that.
what? hey!! Don't judge me! Bathing could be a waste of time when you're actually have something to do!
Aichmophobia - fear of sharp or pointed objects such as a needle or a pointing finger.That's good, wait no, that's GREAT
if somebody you hate so happens to have this.
I mean, think about it!!
Dude, you piss me off?

Sure as hell this is gonna freak the fella out.
Atychiphobia - fear of failure.Yes, keep them away from
Failure is the mother of success?
That would probably kill them man.
Cibophobia or Sitophobia - a strong dislike to food.And I'm like the total opposite of this phobia.
I know it's wrong, but sometimes I do think that I live to eat.

Cibo/Sitophobia, he does not have.
oh hey, i'm not as bad as he is.
Genophobia - fear of sexual intercourse."Hey honey I home!"
"Yea, btw you're sleeping outside now and forever."

Alright, this is gonna take a while to type this out.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666.Hell, that was a damn long word.
Ok, I really don't wanna touch anything religious here.
But all I can say is

son of a b..
The Ultimate,
Phobophobia - fear of having a phobia.I'm afraid that I might be scared by being terrified of horrified with.. This could go on for a while.
It's like asking "what's idk?"
Somniphobia - fear of sleep
"Are you awake?"

"Fuck yeah.."
Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors and one's own reflections.Now I know who made up the whole
"Don't put a mirror in front of your bed" or some other versions.

You look up and BAM!!
Tetraphobia - fear of the number 4.Yea, I would say the only people having this phobia are

Homophobia - fear or dislike of homosexuals or homosexuality.Those...

Ok alright!!
but definitely not the least,
there must be!!
there should be!!
a phobia called
SpainwonthedamnworldcupandnottheNetherlandsphobia - total disappointment after 2 hours of excitement and utterly dislike plus totally gonna blame Spain for missing the class next day.Like AAAAverybody else,
I'm gonna start hating octopus,
Paul especially.