In 快屁问, yea I mean 5P1, I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's one of the best classes I have ever been in. You guys might think "of course la, it's your class ma, you sure say it's the best la..." Yes, I agree with that, but the real reason why it's one of the best because you'll find various types of people in 5P1. Well, this is something that cannot be expressed through words, you see for yourself.

There are the ones who support peace.

There are the ones who....are.....cute?

There are friends who pretend to clean the class with you so that Ketua Kebersihan won't make so much noise.

There are the ones who are able to save your ass when the teacher says "Jika esok tak hantar projek berdiri di luar bilik disiplin"

There's a weird guy who used to witness an angel's arrival.

There's this teacher who goes hohoho when it comes to taking pictures.

There are the ones who somehow gets drunk in class during the day.

There are the ones who FREAKOUT when they take pictures.

There are the ones who teach you to be a camwhore.

Lesson well learnt.

There are the ones who will happily molest you in front of the whole class.

There are the ones who are in financial crises.

There are the ones who uses kung fu on you when you take picture of them.

There's this teacher who looks like a goat and is hated by a few students as far as I know.

There are the ones who do this when someone turns on the BS.

There are the ones who would compare sizes. (Ignore the fella behind)

There are the ones who love to take picture of people's ugly faces.

There are the ones who have notes that glow in the dark on their hands.
Man, I sure will miss high school life when I'm off to college. I think I will miss every single object in high school.... except for the discipline master, and the handphone-dilarangkan-rule, and the school uniform, and the small cutting pant that makes you feel fat, and the old teacher who should stay in their home, and the increasing level of lala.
Damn, I hate high school life, can't wait for college already. Screw high school life! I'm sure that all of you will feel the same way as I do because
We're just 1 big family.