The City of Townsville!!.... IS UNDER ATTACK BY MOJO JOJO!!! The Girls come and save the day and blah blah blah...
I watched with my full attention, and The Girls was just about to fight Mojo Jojo... I felt cold, felt like an evil force, lurking around the corner, waiting for it's prey. I dare not turn my head but I felt it was drawing near, I had no other choice but to turn my head full of only fear. I saw something... no, someone, with such strong force that a man can't tell. At first I thought it was Sylar, trying to kill me and get my power... But no, it wasn't him, it was her!! It was.... was... my mother!!
I said to her, ''oh, happy valentine's day..." There was no reply, but the eyes was still on me. After a long pause, a soft and gentle voice came out of her mouth, asking "Have you started studying for your SPM?"
In my mind, I was like

And then, her voice rose by 439% and said "Why are you still so relaxed? You know people start studying very very hard already ah? Stop all your activities and start studying la!!"

How the hell can I end that kind of conversation without saying "ok ok ok ok..." and stop all my activities and start studying'? But oh, she is right actually, we should start studying, but not right now. We must quickly have all the fun while we still can.
The moment it reaches May, all our teachers, tutors, parents, friends and pets will start pressuring us to study study study... And that's why people and friends, don't be too cocky- YOUR TIME WILL COME!! I am pretty sure that you guys will go through the same thing as me, because
We're just 1 big family.
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