Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm On My Period

You know the kind of period where you are just too lazy to give a damn just about anything at all?

Yea, I'm having one of those.
Don't worry!! I'll update properly when it's over!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Bloody hell!
Don't you just hate it sometimes that the letter "o" and "i" is just right next to each other?
And the worst thing is, they can totally change your sentence and make the whole world laugh.
"WAA!! Yesterday we were playing COD right, I shit him in the head sooo many times!!"
"eerm.. ok, didn't wanted to know that.."

Anyway anyway!!
Not Phiboa, Phobia!!
One morning, I just thought
"hmm.. I wonder how many phobias are there?"
And guess what? I found out something...
so much more..

Phobia is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things or people.
So, let's look at some of the phobias I think it's bloody A.W.E.S.O.M.E

Ablutophobia - fear of bathing, washing or cleaning.
Yea, most lazy people have that.
what? hey!! Don't judge me! Bathing could be a waste of time when you're actually have something to do!

Aichmophobia - fear of sharp or pointed objects such as a needle or a pointing finger.
That's good, wait no, that's GREAT
if somebody you hate so happens to have this.
I mean, think about it!!
Dude, you piss me off?

Sure as hell this is gonna freak the fella out.

Atychiphobia - fear of failure.
Yes, keep them away from
Failure is the mother of success?
That would probably kill them man.

Cibophobia or Sitophobia - a strong dislike to food.
And I'm like the total opposite of this phobia.
I know it's wrong, but sometimes I do think that I live to eat.

Cibo/Sitophobia, he does not have.
oh hey, i'm not as bad as he is.

Genophobia - fear of sexual intercourse.
"Hey honey I home!"
"Yea, btw you're sleeping outside now and forever."

Alright, this is gonna take a while to type this out.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666.
Hell, that was a damn long word.
Ok, I really don't wanna touch anything religious here.
But all I can say is

son of a b..

The Ultimate,
Phobophobia - fear of having a phobia.
I'm afraid that I might be scared by being terrified of horrified with.. This could go on for a while.
It's like asking "what's idk?"

Somniphobia - fear of sleep
"Are you awake?"

"Fuck yeah.."

Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors and one's own reflections.
Now I know who made up the whole
"Don't put a mirror in front of your bed" or some other versions.

You look up and BAM!!

Tetraphobia - fear of the number 4.
Yea, I would say the only people having this phobia are


Homophobia - fear or dislike of homosexuals or homosexuality.


Ok alright!!
but definitely not the least,
there must be!!
there should be!!
a phobia called
SpainwonthedamnworldcupandnottheNetherlandsphobia - total disappointment after 2 hours of excitement and utterly dislike plus totally gonna blame Spain for missing the class next day.

Like AAAAverybody else,
I'm gonna start hating octopus,
Paul especially.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aegis of Immortal

I seem to have problems giving an intro...
Oh hey!!
* Lacht hardop * Jij dwaas! Dit is geen introductie! Ik heb u bij Google! En door de manier, Google Translate, zuigt.
Great intro eh?

Hey!! It's been a while people!
How is everybody doing?
oh wait, I can't hear you.. forget it!!
So, according the the title, yea I'm resurrecting this blog.
I come to realize that the colour orange has been an eyesore, so I've changed to a more soothing theme.

The reason it took me so long to have the initiative to update because you see,
that laptop of mine has finally passed away.
May she rest in one piece.
So anyway, in the process of being pass away,
it went along with..
still hurts to say..
All the ideas..
All the pictures..

All GONE!!
goddamn that piece of metal scrap!

But I guess I could look at the bright side,
those were the ol' ideas,
the new ones will come.

Since you guys haven't been hearing from me, I shall update you guys a little bit..
with, like AAAAverybody else
would answer the question "So how are you lately?"
Ok lar..

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Attention people!
If you see someone

And I suppose this wouldn't be
like AAAAverybody else.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I'm gonna say the same thing I said in my facebook: the camp I went to was for old people. Nuff said. Total waste of RM 80.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Imagine there's no Heaven

It's easy if you try
No hell below us

Above us only skyImagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die forAnd no religion too
Imagine all the peopleLiving life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamerBut I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hungerA brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Proven

So I was right!!
You know that thing in our homes,
that people call it television,
I suspected that televisions are contrarily, watching us all the time!
aaaaaaand I have proves!!

They are checking us out.


...and again

Therefore starting from this moment,
like AAAAverybody else,
watch out~~

Friday, April 16, 2010


From young, our parents told us that newspaper are very important in our daily lives and through the years I had always been "Um...ah...oh...ok" It's a shame that only now I realize the importance of it. It practically completes our lives.

Whether it's The Star

...or The Sun

...or even The Moon, no matter.

Alright enough crap, let's see how useful it is.
Ah~ Newspaper,

We could use it to keep our tables clean.

We could use it to protect our fragile goods.

If one day it snows somehow,
we could burn it to keep ourselves warm.

Ultimately, we could use the old fashion way of spying.

And if everything goes well, we could use it as a mask to give it a backstab.

Ok, alright, let's be serious here.
Newspaper is...
Yo dude, what's with the newspaper around your head?
"Give me all your money!"
Wha...wha... WHAT?
"I said gimme all you money!!"
Oh wait, are you mugging me?
"Don't waste my time here!! GIMME ALL YOU MONEY!! I have a gun!!"
Please don't shoot me!! Here! That's everything I got!!
"That wasn't so hard was it?"
Please just don't shoot me... I won't call the cops...
"Yea... about that, I'm gonna need all your clothes"

Oh shit, paparazzi!!!

Oh hey, that's another way to go.

So, as a conclusion,
like AAAAverybody else,
we should all start make use of
The Newspaper!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Place, New Look and New Name!!

Hey Yaaaaa!!
Welcome visitors!!

Having the new look it's actually not that biggie,
but hey,
in here,
We're just not 1 big family anymore!
we're like AAAAverybody else!!

To tell the truth,
this week I am SHIT busy!!
So I don't think there will be any post,
but by weekend I have a MIND-BLOWING story to tell!!
So stay tuned!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here They Come! Burn Every Piece of Info, Pack Your Things and MOVE!!

This shall be my last post.
And whoa! It's almost a year and a half, and there are more than 70 posts.
I am gonna miss here.

Although I know there are not many visitors,
I sure hope that my... lets call it work,
has entertained you guys.
In some special case,
I even inspired some of you.

And to the people who motivate me to go on,
thanks, I really appreciate that.
Thank you.
But it's time to move on.

So, for the last time,

Because by Monday, yes the coming Monday,
12 of April 2010,
will move to!

And who knows I might change the old
We're just 1 big family...thing.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Consider Yourself Lucky!

Ok, listen to me,
I'm running out of time,
it's now or never,

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, female and male,
listen up!

If you ever have a planner or a calendar,
I need you to...
no no,
I want you to
clear all activities in
July and August, perhaps September 2010.
Just do it, don't ask me why.

I'm warning you!

oh wait,
no no no,
you guys are my readers!
Let me change my tone...

Do it if you want to see your family alive!
It's just one call away from getting things done,
believe me, my men show no mercy!

Alright, only read the following text AFTER you clean up your calendar.

...It all started with a crack,
ah yes, the crack...
...that tiny little crack...
The root of all these troubles...

Ok, alright, let's be quick here.

My lovely home has cracks,
well, it started with a crack.
And it got worse, more cracks, I don't know whether it's the earthquake from Haiti,
but I have a situation over here.

I even have a crack that looks like a...
what you call a 人参 in English anyway?

Worse comes to worst,
we called for a contractor to take a look see and guess what?
He brought a CRACK!!

To sum up, cracks are everywhere.
And so my dad said "Hey, why not we get another apartment?"

And now it's me saying "WoHo! I'm gonna live in a big...ger apartment!"

Therefore dear readers, you guys can refer to the title of this post
because this is a way of I, Monkja
showing my appreciation
for being such a loyal visitor.

This is the part where I want you to pay attention!


That's right! YOU!!

I am inviting YOU to my house warming party!!
Isn't that nice?

It's because I can't really be sure when we are actually moving,
don't know whether it's in July or August or September,
so now you know why I asked you to cancel everything in these three months.

However, you all can tell your parents to relax~ take it eeeeeeeeeeeeasaay~
Because this party,

is not that kind of a party.

So yea, it's an invitation!
Location : just come to my current place, I'll tell you then.
If there's anything you need to know or confirm,
simply sms me or facebook will do.
And no, this invitation is not made in April's Fool.

We're just 1...

Oh yea, my parents put me in charge of the doorbell.
I'm thinking of

What you guys think?

We're just 1 big family.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Motivational Speech

Remember!You are unique!

...just like everyone else.
We're just 1 big family.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lesson #3


Life is fragile.

Cherish it


We're just 1 big family.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Impossible Is Nothing?

I gotta tell ya,
that depends...

Well, it's true that mankind can make wonders.

But oh, give me a break,
sometimes people is just asking too much.

Impossible is nothing?
Oh sush~

We're just 1 big family.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcoming The 5000th

In this special occasion, I shall make it something different. We'll call it


What occasion?

I am proud to announce that
has been visited 5000 times!!

Rock N Roll baby!!

Ok, what shall I blog about on a special edition?
Hmmm... Tough question though..

As some of you may know that I have been in college for over three months,
so I shall warn those who are coming in March Intake or should I say later than January Intake people,
that what I have learned throughout my college days;
the do's and the don'ts.
Mostly just don'ts.


it is never ok to

Dress up like a woman trap in a man's body,
I gotta tell ya,
people judge.

unless there's a performance coming up,
if not,
it is not ok to

how shall I put it...
do some weird things with a bunch of friends,
because people still judge.

And of course,
never leave your water bottles unsealed,
because if you do,
people's gonna think it's unwanted.
And when you come back...

It's gonna taste different.

Not to mention that,
in college there are more challenges;
academically and socially,
but never ever give up!
Even if you're blind.

Oh yea, that reminds me of something,
p.s. telling you to be careful when you're driving,
is not teaching you how to drive, jackass.

Moving on,
if you're normal,
you're special.
How so?
Because everyone is trying to be special,
some ended up being clams.

So what if you have a casual attire?
You're the normal one in a big pile of specials;
You are special.
you are unique,
just like everyone else.

don't take things literally

or else you might just got hurt.

If you are a foreigner,
please take note,
you must understand the Malaysian culture:
we are never early.
Therefore, if you're late,
you're gonna have to squeeze with everyone else.
If in serious case,

people are gonna squeeze you to death.

Last but not least,
if you are driving to college;
car or motorcycle,
be sure that don't be too friendly when it comes to carpooling

Because it might destroy your own vehicle.

Oh yea,
also remember that
what is right and what is wrong.It will save your life.


Oh yea, did I mention that the 5000th visitor got to
wait for it...
wait for it...
it's coming...
almost there...

So if you ever happen to be the 5000th visitor,
remember to tell me yea...
If you missed it, don't worry.
All you have to do is wait for another year and three months
till the counter reach 10,000

We're just 1 BIG BIG family.