Yea, let's face it, I'm nowhere on the map, you say "you know that Ming Fai ah..." ; people would ask "who the hell is Ming Fai", and my blog, what? how many readers are there? 9? 10?
But hey, feel no pity for me brothers and sisters, cause it's good it's actually a good thing.
There are people out there who actually enjoy using people's name and say things... unpleasant on other people's blog.
One of my friend, which I agree, suggest that they "go get a fucking life", but I say

I mean, come on, there's no difference between a child playing a prank call, ONLY KIDS DO THIS!!!
People are so piss off because they say that their image and their good name, are being pulled down from
But I say fear not, because I believe that if people that know you well enough, they will know it's not you.

"Speak good words and do good deeds", believe it or not, some people are gonna notice it.
If there is any of my post may have hurt your feelings or whatever in anyway,
I here by say
We're just 1 big family.
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